Sunday 17 May 2015

3D Flower and Pearls


Today's manicure is a very gilrly one and I must say I'm in love with how it turned out! ♥ Born Pretty Store has sent me two flower designs. I like the roses too, but the other flower (is it a daisy?) looks much better on nails. Unfortunately, it's quite big and not too confortable, so I had to take the flower off before I went to sleep. However, for special ocasions, it's a very pretty nail decoration. A set of 5 pieces is $3.07 and can be bought here and here (roses). Don't forget to use the QNX31 10% off code.

I hope you enjoy the pictures ☺

EDIT: I totally forgot to tell you the nail polish I used was Miss Spoty Crush On You 064. Sorry!

xoxo, Cristina


  1. Frumoasa floarea !

  2. Nu prea imi plac mie personal sa folosesc astfel de decoratiuni foarte mari, dar recunosc arata frumos pe unghiute!

  3. Andra Katerina18 May 2015 at 23:02

    cat de draguta e manichiura!
    mie-mi plac foarte mult manichiurile mai altfel, de acest gen, cu decoratiuni mari, speciale.

  4. Oana Alexandru19 May 2015 at 16:54

    Foarte frumoas arata unghiutele tale <3

  5. Adevarul e ca nici eu nu folosesc prea des astfel de decoratiuni pentru ca nu sunt prea comode, dar pentru ocazii mai speciale mi se par minunate. Cu siguranta atrag priviri :))


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