Saturday 22 February 2014

NOTD: KKCenterHK Stamping Plate

Hello everyone!

I'm finally posting another manicure. I know it's been a while and I am really sorry for that.
For today's manicure I've used a stamping plate KKCenterHK sent me a while ago. It's not like the classic metal ones and I actually like this type of stamping plates better. I think they are easier to use.

You can find it here. It costs $7.79.

Enjoy the pictures :).


   Nail polishes I used:
- Golden Rose Paris 04
- Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 102
- Essence Colour & Go 132 break through

Have you ever used a stamping plate like this one?

xoxo, Cristina


  1. The Sparkle Queen6 April 2014 at 18:53

    Very pretty!

  2. Nici eu nu excelez. Nu inteleg cum unor fete le ies modelele atat de perfect :))

  3. This is a stunning nail art! x Anna

  4. love the send one,looks so pretty,wanna have a try.
    hope you can check my blog and share beauty:

  5. Niciodata nu m-am descurcat cu stampilele. M-am chinuit ore intregi si apoi le-am aruncat la gunoi de nervi :))

  6. Si eu folosesc tipurile astea de stampile de la ei si imi plac mai mult decat cele clasice, nu ai nevoie de altceva cum ar fi razuitor, stampila si se folosesc mult mai usor

  7. FledglingNails6 April 2014 at 18:53

    Interesting! This is the first time I've seen stamping done with this type of plate. I especially like the half-moon look on your pinky and thumb


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