Friday, 21 June 2013

NOTD: I Love Disney


   În urmă cu nu foarte mult timp, am participat la un concurs unde tema unghiuţelor era să facem un model Disney. Eu am optat pentru acesta.
   L-aş fi postat mai devreme dar nu voiam să apară niciun soi de probleme, din cauza aceea, şi mai târziu am uitat (evident -_-).

   Not too long ago, I've participated at a competition where the nail design theme was Disney. I chose to do this.
   I would have posted it sooner, but I didn't want have any kind of problems because of that, and later, I've forgotten (obviously -_-).

Enjoy the pictures :)

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  1. Suuuper dragute si haioasa. Felicitari! Mie nu mi-ar iesi acasa ceva in veci :))


  2. Sunt super, super dragute :X


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