N-aţi uitat de colaborarea 31 teme de manichiuri, nu?
Săptămâna aceasta, tema a fost Polka Dots. Eu nu m-am dat în vânt după modelele cu buline niciodată şi nu am avut idei prea interesante. În cele din urmă, m-am rezumat la un model cu buline în degrade. Nu ştiu dacă am reuşit să creez efectul pe care mi-l doream, cred că îmi trebuiau alte nuanţe de roz, dar eu sunt mulţumită. Vă place?
You haven't forgotten about the 31 Weeks Nail Challenge, right?
For this week, the theme was polka dots. I must say that I have never been to much into polka dots nail designs and I haven't have too many ideas. In the end, I went for a gradient polka dots design. I don't know if I managed to create the effect I was going for, I believe I needed other colours, but I pleased with the result. Do you like it?
Nu uitaţi să treceţi pe la colegele mele :).
Don't forget to check out what the girls did. :)
1. Georgia - http://giamakeup.blogspot.ro/
2. Lavinia - www.girlsteenspirit.blogspot.com
3. Alyce - www.tara-minunilor.ro
4. Andreea Georgiana http://rosemerta.blogspot.com
5.Anne Marye http://all-in-one-blog-by-annemarye.blogspot.ro/
6.Andreia http://deyutza87.blogspot.ro/
7. Little Beauty Bag - http://littlebeautybagcta.blogspot.ro
8. Josephine - http://rainbowsinajar.blogspot.ro
10. Alina - http://alinaluibrumarel.blogspot.ro/
11. Mikaella - http://beautybymikaella.blogspot.ro
12. Emma - http://coshuletzulcolorath.blogspot.ro
13. Diana - http://dianacristinatudor.blogspot.ro/
14. Carla - http://sunafterstormblog.blogspot.ro/
15. Andra- http://andrakat.wordpress.com
16. Diana - http://cherryqueendee.blogspot.ro/
17. Roxana - http://roxy-ch.blogspot.ro
19. Miha.ela http://aboutwomenandnotonly.blogspot.ro
20. Aby: http://abycandy.blogspot.ro/
21. Flori - http://blogbyflora.blogspot.ro/
22. Ioana - http://ioana-make-up.blogspot.ro/
23. Maya MakeUp - http://mayadumitrescu.blogspot.com